hobos trampart and wooden chain carving

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

here is the link to hobos. when you load it a banner comes up and i think thats what i copied. sorry. msquared.8m.com/hobos.html there is a choice to look at hobo art and there are pictures of wooden carved chains etc. i was wondering if anyone did these or knew anything about them. my dad did small chains out of wood

-- js (schlicker54@aol.com), January 13, 2002


There is a carving museum here in NE Ohio, called Warther's. Mooney Carver was named the world's best carver by the master carver's in Oberamergou (sp?). I think in his life story, he told of a hobo who showed him how to do that. We have a little booklet about him. I will look in it and see if it says anything about it. Do you have any of your Dad's chains? That would be an awesome thing to be able to show your children and grandchildren.

-- M & M (amazinggraze@valkyrie.net), January 13, 2002.

Every year in our county we have different associations/clubs/businesses get together to decorate Christmas trees, which are sold at auction. The proceeds go to local charities. Every year my favorite tree to look at is the one decorated by the woodcarver group - all ornaments are hand carved & it always has feet & feet of carved chains wrapped around it!

-- hmm (h.m.metheny@att.net), January 13, 2002.

yes,we still have them they are among my favorite things i have of my dads.

-- js (schlicker54@aol.com), January 13, 2002.

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