casio 3000 flash problem : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread


I have read of others having their casio flash decide to start wigging out and ignore metering and always discharge full flash on every picture. Mine started doing this, overexposing all pics.

Has anyone had a similar problem and gotten it fixed?

Thanks, Sean

-- sean (, January 14, 2002


Started having exactly the same problem last week, one month after I bought it. Casio said it would need to be sent in for service. I was hoping it was a problem I could fix at home.

-- Chris (, March 04, 2002.

Mine did this last year - it cost me £110 to fix (that's ~$170) they replaced a chip the size of a matchhead. It's just started doing it again. AAAAAAAARRGGGGGG Casio are so slow fixing their stuff too.

-- Ombulu (, July 02, 2002.

Have recently started having the same problem with overexposure with the flash on my QV-3000 (though I've never had any problem with it before in over 2 years of constant use) and can't afford to send my camera for repairs. Its not an ideal solution but I've found if you tape or hold a piece of paper like a receipt or something similarly thin over the flash, it just about blocks out the right amount of light to correct the exposure for most photos. Its worth a try as a temporary emergency measure.

-- dom ward (, March 17, 2003.

Did anyone try to contact Casio? I just did and they stated that the repair cost is over $257 dollars and they will replace it if they cannot fix the flash issue. For $257+ I can buy another camera. They didnt even issue a recall on the defective camera flash issue. I am going to write them and try to get them to pay for fixing the camera.

If everyone try to write them maybe they will do something about the money spent fixing their defective products.


-- Steve (, October 13, 2003.

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