Thurs. Jan 17 : LUSENET : MATH : One Thread

The 17th! Month is more than half over. Do y'all have long weekends? I don't.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002


We do, but I'm going to switch it with President's Day since that's Chris's birthday weekend - we're heading to Oxford and Memphis.

Here's an ar ticle about the case - it's the biggest verdict ever in Atlanta.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

I thought there were only 3 plaintiffs. But maybe Chris only represented 3 of them?

The county is complaining that this is costing tax payers money since this is the 4th such ruling. Well, maybe the county should a. start settling since they clearly have a bad track record with the jury system b. stop discriminating.

Also, how in the world did the county lawyer end up with NO African-Americans on the jury? How bad of lawyers are THEY? Unless they did it to strengthen an appeal, but that just seems like giving up.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

The defense did just give up. On a phone call a few days before the trial, one of them told Chris, "No hard feelings - sometimes we just have to do things we don't want to."

It was a federal jury from the northern district of Georgia, so the jurors came from all across North Georgia, even the mountains. That increased their chances for an all-white jury, but still. There were plenty of black jurors, and the defense had plenty of opportunity to strike any jurors they wanted to. Regardless, there were seven white jurors and one Asian juror.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Oh - there were eight plaintiffs - Chris examined three of them, Kelly did three, and Mike did two and the opening and the closing, I think.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Today has been a good day because it got started off right with wonderful-loud-screaming sex. aah. - Jessifer

My eyes! I think she moved to NC and lives with Pigfatt now. How scary is that.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002


I now have the Internet at MY DESK, people! Al is back on the SCENE!

Of course, this is the death knell for my productivity.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Allison! That's the best news yet!

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Yay! Totally good news.

Did y'all see the pictures? How much do I love that one of T and the MOC?

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Yes, yes. Very exciting.

I am thrilled for Chris about his case. He must be so relieved.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Oh, yeah. That picture is the BEST. Man, I cannot deal with how much of a fatty boombalatty I look like in pictures - or maybe in real life? I don't know. When I look in the mirror, I don't see all that... extra me. Sigh.

Anyway, those are great. I will do the same with mine. They're too huge to e-mail.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Allison. Please. You looked good in your hot red pants.

I got doubles so I'm sending you hard copies. There's a good one of just you and Chris.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Oh, Al, I can't wait for you to post them! Hen Laying Eggs!

The red pants were fabulous.

Al, Chris is thrilled and relieved and hungover. Mainly, he's just elated. I am so, so happy for him.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Damn. Somebody fix my tag in the Magazines thread. I can't get it to work.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

I fixed it.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Thank you!

Y'all, I am so excited that I can surf the web, I don't even know what to look at.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Well, you can't go wrong with theonion. Although, it was slow for me yesterday.

I think you should buy Chris for Valentine's Day. Do y'all do anything for Valentine's Day? Like give gifts?

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

No, the MOC cannot have a website. I just couldn't live in a two domain household.

Yeah, last year we did a pretty good V-Day. Gifts, went out to dinner, the whole thing. I want to go to Savannah or somewhere this year. Actually, we should have planned to go somewhere for this weekend, because we both have Monday off. But we're both so sick of going places, we're just going to hang around town.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

"Two domain household." That cracks me up. I think he secretly wants a journal though. So he can inflict spreadsheetitis to the masses.

I'm going to L.A. It just works out that the 3day is also Valentine's. It doesn't really matter to me. I'm sure Eric will give me lint.

In other news, I am ADDICTED to Peppermint Patties. For real.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

DAMN! I'm in, after the craziest morning I ever had. I better get a raise ASAP.

Anybody know somebody who lives in Russia? Or know somebody who knows somebody who lives in Russia? I'm doing that Six Degrees of Separation experiment, and my person lives in Russia.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

What 6 degress experiment?

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Oh y'all. Meloonsa got a webcam.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Hmm. I don't know anyone in Russia, no.

Oh y'all. Meloonsa got a webcam.

That is the best news I've heard all week.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

She's so crazy.

Now, explain something to me...

She graduated Law School, got a job in Florida? Moved there? Got fired? And now she still lives there? With no job? I don't get it.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

You got it.

No one understands it. And why would she just opt to NOT take the bar. (Why she got fired. I think. They thought she was going to take it before arriving. She didn't.)

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

She is a true mental case.

Hey, T - when you were as ASC, did you know or hear of Dr. Julia Gary? She is a former dean - but I am thinking she was gone by the time you were there. Anyway, she's on our board, and she is a piece of work. Everybody here thinks she is a mean old lady, but I sort of love her.

I had a meeting with her today to review this huge document we're about to publish, and she brought a style book. She's like, my grandmother's age. We got along famously.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Where's the webcam set up? In her padded cell?

Here's the link to the six degrees thing:

I almost typed "sex degrees." Not the same thing. Also, I had a (teeny) glass of wine at lunch? I'm drunk. I had a salad, too, with jalapeno vinaigrette. And bacon. Yum.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

I have heard that name, but I've never met her. A style book? Classic.

Y'all. Chris is going to be on Fox News tonight - the Hannity & Combs show. Now, what with the no cable thing, I've never seen the show, and I've heard that it's crazy right-wing, but still. I think that's kind of cool.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

That's awesome! Where are y'all going to watch it?

I've never seen that show because I cannot abide Fox News in general, but it is very cool that he'll be on.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

What time?

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

He'll be on live at 9 EST. Mike - the first thing he said after he agreed to appear was, "Shit - that's the same time as the Maryland game!"

I don't know where I'm going to watch it, actually.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Will it be national? I'm totally going to watch it! Aw. Sweet C all on t.v.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Ah, he'll be OK. They'll play again. Hopefully three more times.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Does Maryland have a good team?

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

They do have a good team (I think).

Yep, C to the A is going national. Al, I agree with you on Fox News, but it is totally C's cup of tea.

Chris actually went without a tie today (!) but he's going home to put a suit on.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Does Maryland have a good team?

Oh, Hannah ... I'm so disappointed in you.

We're No. 3 in the country.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Teri - if you want to come watch it at the Lowe-Huff Casa, you're welcome to. The MOC will be flipping back and forth between several games, but I am sure he'd like to see C.A. on TV.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Come on Mike, how am I supposed to know that? I'm just a wittle girl.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Oh, Al, I don't want to be the one responsible for thwarting the MOC's basketball schedule! I'm going to try to record it. My kingdom for a TiVO!

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Say, that reminds me - when does AB get her TiVO?

Come over and watch it with us if you want, and we'll record it. We'll definitely be watching it anyway.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

So 9 p.m. on Fox News, right? That's so cool.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

9 p.m. EST on Fox. I can't imagine that they'll have him on for the whole hour - I can't imagine that anyone could endure Hannity & Colmes for a whole hour, even a semi-True Believer like Chris A. - I think he's scheduled for 9:45, but that really doesn't mean anything - tv show schedules are pretty fluid.

Al, I'd love to come over tonight - thank you for letting me record over there! I forgot that these fancy schmancy VCRs can record on one channel while you watch on another.

I so wish they had a live studi audience, though. I could be all Jeery Springer, all "That mayn is a shaym! He felt asleep on a VW all drunk like Cooter Brown!" Of course, I would never do that, but it would be funny for myself.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Ooh, I will have to record that, too, T--new Will & Grace tonight I can't be missing.

TiVo is coming, as soon as we order it from DirectTV, which will be never, because we keep changing our minds about which one to get.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

C's gonna be a celebrity!

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Well, all right. Bring a tape, I guess, because I am thinking we don't have any blank ones.

AB, you gots to get on the ball. I just know we're going to end up getting one, too. I have been saying I didn't want one, because I am so sick of technology, but I bet we'll get one.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

God, if we get direct tv, or whatever, we'll get a TiVO - if you're going to go that far with the technology, why not just take it one step further, you know?

Al, of course I'll bring a blank tape over! BYOBT, yo.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

I just know that if I had directtv, I'd never leave the house.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

It's all very confusing. You have to choose a plan, and then of course Vince wants all the add-ons, like NBA League Pass, but I want HBO and the kid's thing, and we just go round and round about what to get. Then you have to pick the TiVo unit itself, and there are a bunch of them, too. Technology is complicated.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

Yes it is, Mama.

Technology is so complicated in my little third world office that I haven't been able to get to my files all day, or send e-mail from work.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

But you've got the internet baby!

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

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