America's newest enemy? : LUSENET : Political and Social Issues: Conversations and Debates : One Thread

Well, with the hunt for Bin Laden still underway, and the war in Afghanastan appearing to be winding down, Americans appear to be turning their attention back to our most feared foe-our own corrupt politicians. Does this mean our country is returning to its regular rut? Back to the vacuous lives of idiotic celebrities and their schmaltzy lives. Back to the Gary Conditt scandall? Back to all the idiotically trivial crap that we call issues?

People do look like they are starting to fly, but not many?

And aviation should be a big issue. What's all this about allowing high-school drop-outs be airport security screeners? Isn't it partially the grose incompitance of these people that got us into this mess in the first place, and now they want to make it worse????

-- Okie Dan (, January 17, 2002


I got in trouble in school today for bringing in a nail clipper to class....They might suspend me. AH, screw them, bunch of idiots....

-- Davey Rootbeer (, January 17, 2002.

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