JJ again

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Interesting stuff on .com about a possible transfer for this player. Where DO they get their info? You can bet the tabloids will pick it up and report it as an exclusive tomorrow.

If you haven't read it - basically saying could be on but we may not have the cash to pay up front therefore meaning he could then go elsewhere.

Talking of cash - Man U spent £7M today with around £3M to follow for Di canio. Liverpool are considering bids for Sinclair and Riggot. Leeds have got no money but apparently want Macmanaman. Only us and Arse not looking to build. One thing I would say though - as my Dad pointed out to me tonight - you don't necessarily have to have a big squad to win the league. Luck with suspensions and keeping players fit is key. Blackburn did it with only 11 players really. I know it was a while ago but he's got a point!

-- Anonymous, January 18, 2002


There are a few interesting examples of teams blowing league titles through ill-judged transfers at crucial moments.

-- Anonymous, January 18, 2002

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