Dunlap Hatchery (Good Place for Mixed Species Lots)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Thought this might be of interest to some:

Dunlap Hatchery allows you to mix birds of any kind as long as you have 25. This means you can mix your baby chicks with turkeys, ducks or geese to meet your minimum requirement.

I have ordered from them for the last 3 years, and have had nothing but great birds. They always throw a few extras in as well.

Their contact info is: Dunlap Hatchery Box 507 Caldwell, ID 83606-0507 208-459-9088

They will send you a catalog if you call. They offer all the usual breeds.

-- Tracy (zebella@mindspring.com), January 23, 2002


hello do they have a website thanks

-- drew (ata1hunt@aol.com), January 28, 2002.

No, no website unfortunately.

-- Tracy (zebella@mindspring.com), January 28, 2002.

I have also ordered from them for three years. They stand behind their birds and if you have any problems they fix it. They are a big help to kids looking for a 4-H project.

-- Sandy Butler (twolazyt@yahoo.com), February 28, 2002.

Thnaks for the info!

-- Thumper/inOKC (slrldr@yahoo.com), February 28, 2002.

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