Shaolin Soccer : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Has anyone seen Shaolin Soccer? It's a film about some Chinese (I think) warriors who form a football team but it's supposed to be great.

Just wondering if anyone's seen it on here?

I can get it for about £7 on a Region 3 DVD which is canny cheap, especially since it's not out here until April.

However, does anyone think it would be £7 too much?

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2002


Any point in ordering it?

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2002

Actually £10, if that makes any difference at all (forgot delivery to UK)

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2002

Sounds like a must-see at any price!

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2002

Apparently this is the story (bit predictable):

A star footballer is jealous of a fellow pro and arranges for him to be injured during a game. The bloke who gets injured decides to get his revenge and forms a new team with some kung-fu warriors and they end up mixing kung-fu with football in a match. It's an action- comedy of sorts, Hong Kong's biggest grossing film supposedly. Out at the pictures here in March or April.

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2002

Actually I have seen it. It's good for a laugh. Some of the ball skills and shooting(with special effects, of course) are so out of this world that you just wonder where they came out with them. Its a comedy so be prepared for things that normal world class players dream of doing in the real world.

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2002

So you would say it's worth ordering then? Can't go wrong for a tenner really.

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2002

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