One eye shut on kit : LUSENET : Raising meat rabbits for profit : One Thread

Just noticed yesterday as I moved a doe and her two babies, a month old, to a new, larger hutch, that one baby has one eye closed. Doesn't look matted or swollen. Any thoughts as to how to "unstick" it without injuring the eye itself? Thanks, Jan

-- Jan in Co (, January 28, 2002


You can use warm water, either with an eye dropper, or just a warm washcloth. If an eye looks matted or sticky, or just not right at all, I've used eyedrops that the Dr. had prescribed for my daughter's eye infection! Worked great!

-- Cheryl in KS (, January 28, 2002.

This happens occasionally. It's called "nestbox eye" Wash it with warm water, and open it gently. I also put a little anti-biotic ointment on there. Check daily for 3-4 days afterwards as you may have to repeat this treatment.

-- Sondra (, January 28, 2002.

Thanks everyone. After treatment, the eye looks fine, and the babies are doing great. Jan

-- Jan in Co (, February 02, 2002.

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