It's McClen : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

So why do so many people call him McGlen? It's not like McGlen's a far more common name - is it? Come on, if we can;t get it right, what chance has YBR got?

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002


Nah, YBR would call him little Jason McCann.

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

Other regular mistakes are DABIDAS (by commentators) and GRIFFEN by (ladbrokes)

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

Not Newcastle, but Sam Hammam is always called Sam Hamman, even in some broadsheet headlines. And don't start me on EUFA ;-))

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

Commentators' pronunciations of foreign names more my thing:

Is there any reason to insert an 'I' into Acuna's name, ie 'Acunia' or pronounce Solskjaer as if he's the Shire of Sol, or Silvestre as 'Silvestray'. I mean I'm crap at languages, and indeed only just scraped a C at French O'Level, but these sound like duff pronunciations to me - 'Solshire' in particular doesn't sound Scandinavian at all.

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

I thought it was pronounced "Sols-that-c**t-who-chopped-down-Lee-sjar"?

And I think the little wavey accent on Acuna's 'n' makes it into 'Akoon-ya'? Or as a feller said to me on Sunday 'A-c**t-ya'.

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

Yes, Bobby loves 'Dabidas' doesn't he? I too used to say 'Acoona' but believe the wavy line does indeed indicate 'Acoonia'. Re: Solksjaer - Barry Davies exclusively prefers 'Solsharray' for some reason. Mind you, he used to say 'Wanchoppay' for a bit till someone presumably told him he sounded like a twat.

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

When wor Shola Ameobi (pronounced ameebi) was asked what his nickname was he said he didnt have one , the commentator asked wot does bobby robson call you , Cart Cort replied Shola.


-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

Thank you all! It really bugs me to hear names/words mispronounced/misspelled and bugs me more when I can't figure out how to say/spell things properly. Though I've tried really hard to accept human imperfections, I still start twitching uncontrollably when Prez Shrub says 'nucular' and 'terra' (for terror). Aaaaghhhhhh!!! 'Course that is partially down to the person and position he holds. ;-) I really think I missed my calling as a despotic English teacher. ;-))

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

I want to punch Tyldesley's spongey face when he pronounces 'another' to rhyme with 'bother'. I also have a real problem with buying things at 'oction'.

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

Actually the Dabizas one has got me thinking. There's no 'z' in the Greek alphabet, so we probably all say it wrong. Anyone know how his name is actually written in the cyrillic alphabet? It's probably pronounced something a bit like Tabithas. I better shut up though, since I've overstepped my knowledge limit and am well into bluffing territory ;-)

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

According to a Bubble mate of mine it's DaBEEzas, with the stress on the middle syllable. They may not have a zed in the Greek alphabet, but I seem to remember a letter called zeta knocking around and that'll be the one our Nikos's name.

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

So that makes him Nikos Catherine Zeta DaBEEdas then.

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

I just call him Andrex.

'cos that's wot he uses to dab 'e's @rse with. Boom boom.

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002


-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

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