Ice storm damage to O' areas? : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

I wonder how the local O' areas fared?

-- Michael (, February 01, 2002


The Silvermine map will be without a few Bradford pear trees in front of the Union. Still too icy to ski O. :-)

-- mean gene (, February 01, 2002.

I'm afraid this ice storm means that the osage orange groves will be able to complete their conquest of the KC area 100 years ahead of schedule.

-- Swampfox (, February 01, 2002.

Gene and I explored at Wyandotte today and it looks good. There were very few new fallen trees. I was surprised by that.

-- Michael (, February 02, 2002.

There was some video of damage in the KC area on tv last night. Pretty impressive. It reminded me of the ice storms I saw growing up in the Carolina Piedmont (we'd get 1-2 per winter.)

-- Swampfox (, February 02, 2002.

Steve Brown and Kevin Shipley spent some time at Ernie Miller yesterday. Here is their report (from the PTOC "egroup" which you can find at

Kevin Shipley and I were out all afternoon at Ernie Miller getting ready for next week. There were lots of trees and limbs blocking the trails all over the park. We were both clobbered with ice on top of the head a couple time each. We were wishing we had brought a hard hat. All things considered we had a great time and got our work completed. It should be a great event next Saturday.

-- Michael (, February 03, 2002.

Dan told me he ran at Knob Noster and there were a lot of downed trees.

-- Michael (, February 07, 2002.

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