Geordies at the Super Bowl? : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Well I know Sting's performing (at the opening ceremony?), as he is for the Winter Olympics next weekend.

Anybody bothering to watch the biggest sporting event of the year, the World Cup means v. little to the Americans (Ciara excluded)?

-- Anonymous, February 03, 2002


American Pantomime.


-- Anonymous, February 03, 2002

I'll be watching but on tv. Have a soft spot for NE Pats as I was studying in the NorthEast years ago.

-- Anonymous, February 03, 2002

I'm watching the commercials and U2 concert. Probably read the Sunday paper or surf the net the rest of the time. ;-)

-- Anonymous, February 03, 2002

Mind Ciara,my crush is growing by the day!!!

-- Anonymous, February 03, 2002

Crikey - had to read that twice Soops before I understood what was growing daily.

-- Anonymous, February 03, 2002

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