feeding cooked duck eggs to ducks and ducklings?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I read recently about feeding cooked excess duck eggs to ducks, it is fantastic for gleaming feathers. I have two Indian Runners with one 8 day old duckling. All doing fine. At what age can a young duck eat something like that?

-- Fiona Strahan (fidel@netconnect.com .au), February 05, 2002


Fiona, I have fed young weak ducklings hard boiled eggs that were mashed by a fork from the beginning, they love them and seem to be of good nutrition for them as they thrived and are adult birds now.

-- Emily in Central Ky (bellyacresfarm@kyk.net), February 05, 2002.

They do it in the wild I saw them many many times, believe me if something that we have in PA are ducks,( I mean eating raw eggs). Ralph.

-- Ralph Roces (rroces1@yahoo.com), February 05, 2002.

Yes Fiona, eggs are a great supplement and as mentioned above your duckling can eat them too, just mash up the egg, and sprinkle it on top of the duck crumbles. It is also a good idea to chop up greens and do the same. Like spinach, new grass, clover etc. Ducklings are so cute, I can hardly wait for mine to brood. LQ

-- Little Quacker (carouselxing@juno.com), February 05, 2002.

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