Front Brake Upgrade Letter from CagivaUSA Received : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I received my letter for the front brake upgrade. I believe the Austrailian arm of Cagiva was the first to issue the letter. Upgrades have been performed to other bikes but this is the official recognition of the problem. I will give more details later. Contact your dealer or Cagiva USA.

-- mod (, February 05, 2002


Any chance of scanning the letter and posting it so we may read it? Thanks

-- Carlos Garcini (, February 06, 2002.

Also got my letter today in reference to the "Hyper Sport" front brake upgrade. The letter also suggested replacement of the old "grey-colored" oil filter with the new, improved black one. Both these upgrades are of no cost to the owner.

-- Chris Eden (, February 06, 2002.

Also recieved the upgrade letter today from Cagiva USA. I have a Y2K F4S VIN#....144.

-- Masis Yeterian (, February 06, 2002.

Hey Masis......what's up, are you going to take your bike back to FBF?

-- Joseph Pierzynski (, February 10, 2002.

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