I am sure you will all be please to know

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

that I was unmerciful in my mick take of the Spurs fans after their team rolled over and died in the second half of the match last Wednesday.

Several altercations broke out around as one guy spent the whole first half shouting 4-4-2 Bobby! He was much mollified in the second half when Bobby infact did revert back to the much shouted 4-4-2.

I hope you had a good a night out as I did. Even the threats of abandonment in North London did not diminish my excellent disposition.

Mind I was the subject of a few funny looks as I approached the away end turnstile with about 15 drunk Yids (we had been drinking since 2pm). Who were shouting see you out here after we twonk you! Needless to say they were not happy as I floated out of WHL.

The quote of the night was from my yid mate Sarah. We had the following text conversation throughout the match.

5 minutes into the second half:

S “We have lost the plot” J “We have change to a 4-4-2” S “We have changed to Stockport County!”

Oh what a night! :o)

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2002


A total Piss take

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2002

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