Diary Plan

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Suppose we get a draw on Sunday, when's the replay likely to be? I have some business appointments to make and need to make sure I'm within striking distance of Maine Road. My guess is 27th Feb. Hmm, a bit difficult to fit in Lahndaan on 28th, 2 days in Dublin and still have a car to get round the country :-(

Only one thing for it - we're gonna win on Sunday :-)

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002


How dare you even contemplate such an outcome Screacher.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

It's called contingency, Jacko.

Just had a look at the UEFA CL pages. ManUre are playing Nantes at OT on Tuesday 26th, so its pretty certain that any (unlikely) replay wouldn't be played that day. And as we're up against The @rse on Saturday 2nd, it wouldn't be Thursday 28th either. Has to be 27th - just for planning sakes, that is ;-)

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

I prefer Diary Milk myself.

Hey shouldn't this be on the "Chocolate" thread?

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

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