Update goat with foamy mouth

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Took goat to vet he gave here a shot of B,D,and Pen. he also gave her some PropyleneGlycol and something to increase appitite also said if she will not feed today will induce labor, he does not believe it to be bloat and is usre of what it is any idia's Would be appreciated Thanks

-- scott and laurie (slaf99@cs.com), February 15, 2002


As to the treatment with Propylene Glycol, this is commonly used for the treatment of: Ketosis (acetonemia, pregnancy toxemia), http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/4H/dairygoats/dairygoatfs21.html

"Ketosis is a metabolic disease, which means that it is a disturbance in the normal body processes, not something "catching". It is most likely to occur just before kidding or within the two to four weeks after. Does that are extremely overweight or underweight, carrying several kids, or lacking exercise are all susceptible to developing ketosis. A correctly balanced diet during pregnancy and in early lactation, exercise, and no stressful situations are all ways to avoid ketosis in does. Never diet a doe in late pregnancy. Metabolic diseases can be largely controlled by good management.

The doe with ketosis loses her appetite, becomes weak and may have muscle spasms. Advanced ketosis results in rapid breathing, frequent urination, coma, and death. Treatment is with oral propylene glycol to raise blood sugar levels."

If this fits your situation, then it may help explain what is going on.

-- BC (desertdweller44@yahoo.com), February 15, 2002.

Thanks, That could be it she has no temp and is due at anytime infack this morning I noticed a little discharge. We have not changed here diet but we have only had her for about 3 weeks. Thanks

-- scott and laurie (slaf99@cs.com), February 15, 2002.

Above answer is correct. I raise sheep which are prone to same diseases. When one of my ewes just doesn't look right I treat for Ketosis and then look elsewhere for answers. It can't hurt and probably the cause close to delivery and shortly thereafter. I start with PropyleneGlycol and NutraDrench, Vit. B shots. What I do to prevent this is I feed a Molasses block with their minerals. If the vet gave your doe a shot of Pen. then you need to give the shot at least 3 days in a roll to work and if you do that you must put either phobios (gel or paste) or cheaper use yogurt. Do not dilute the yogurt I just spoon it into their mouths. Generally if it is Ketosis you will have to use the Propylene Glycol (always mix with something to help it go down like the Nutra Drench) twice a day for a few days. I have never lost a sheep to this problem because you treat real quick.

-- debbie (bwolcott@cwis.net), February 15, 2002.

When exactly is she due? I have a good friend who is a vet. Her doe recently had ketosis, which she treated for a week or two, before inducing labor about a week early. Lost both kids. Are you already at the due date?

-- mary (marylgarcia@aol.com), February 15, 2002.

We are not sure of the exact due because we only bought her about 3 weeks ago but were told either the first or second week of feb.

-- scott and laurie (slaf99@cs.com), February 15, 2002.

Well I'm glad it's not bloat, frothy bloat is a real pain to fix! Acidosis might cause the frothy crud, the Bi carb will fix that. Can you confirm the due date from who you got her from? Bet ya thought this stuff was easy didn't ya!? No wonder farmers make those big bucks.......wait a minute!

-- Ross (amulet@istar.ca), February 15, 2002.

I would surely hesitate on an induction if you don't have a definite due date.

-- mary (marylgarcia@aol.com), February 15, 2002.

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