Error Message in Windows Media Player referring to a semaphore : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

When I try to play CDs, with video clips burnt in the MPEG format (AVSEQ.dat file, through the latest version (7.1) of Windows Media Player, I get an error message, saying, "The exclusive semaphore is owned by another process". As no help is available in the Windows Media website on this type of error, I am unable to decipher this error message. I want some help in understanding this error message and resolving the problem so as to enable me to play the CDs with the Windows Media Player.

-- H. Ramamurthy (, February 18, 2002


i have this sick error message Error# 80070065 wat should i do

-- danish bookwala (, December 29, 2002.

even same problem is encountered by me whenever i try to run any movie CD, any one can please help to sort out the problem

-- raghu (, April 30, 2003.

CAUSE This behavior can occur if you are using a MatsuShita CD-ROM drive. Some MatsuShita CD-ROM drives are not totally compatible with Windows 95 or Windows 98. RESOLUTION To resolve this issue, contact the manufacturer of your computer to inquire about the availability of a fix for this issue. Note that this may require replacing your CD-ROM drive with a more up to date CD-ROM drive.

To work around this behavior, install the programs from the Office 97 floppy disks. For information about obtaining Microsoft Office 97 on floppy disk

for more info log into:

-- raghu (, April 30, 2003.

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