WTB: 35mm Negative Carrier For Beseler 23C

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Hi, I'm looking for the older version of the model 8053 negative carrier, which does not have the spring-loaded hinge.

-- Shel belinkoff (belinkoff@earthlink.net), February 20, 2002


Go to the Photomall and check out Glennview and The Darkroom Guy. They both sell used equipment. If they don't have what you need, perhaps they could recommend someone who does.

-- Ed Buffaloe (edb@unblinkingeye.com), February 20, 2002.

Midwest Photo Exchange might have one, as well.

-- Charlie Strack (charlie_strack@sti.com), March 05, 2002.

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