Canon off camera shoe cord : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Can anyone tell me if I can use a Canon OCSC2 with Leica m and SF-20 and retain TTL? I have read in the archives that the Nikon and Contax cords work but I already have the Canon cord. If not why would this not work?

Thanks in advance.

-- enrique munoz (, February 20, 2002


It won't work because the contact points on the Canon (4 small ones below the larger central one)are arranged differently than the Nikon and Contax (2 small points below and one above and to the right of the central point)which are just coincidentally the same arrangement as Leica uses.

-- Jay (, February 20, 2002.

The Canon cord has a different pin layout.

-- John Collier (, February 20, 2002.


-- enrique munoz (, February 20, 2002.

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