New Babies ... : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I picked up 25 new chicks last night - so cute,12 RIR and 12 buff orpingtons. The man I got them from thru in a little black one (?). Anyway, I know you aren't supposed to use newspaper, but how long in that for. Right now I have newspaper down with paper towels over it and they are doing just fine. Can I remove the paper towels when they get a certain age ? I'm sure I'll have more questions, it rough being a new "mom". Thanks

-- Lesa in VA (, February 23, 2002


I always use newspapers with paper toweling over it for traction. That is because it is what I have on hand. If you want to use just the newsprint, just shread it for them. They can get spraddle legged if you just have them on slick newspapers by themselves. Oh.....I would probably stick with non colored print too. I know that most ink is soy based, but I am over protective of my little chicks :~)!!!

-- Nan (, February 23, 2002.

Newspaper is fine but is slippery on little legs. After a week you can remove the paper towel. The news paper works better if you have shredder and can shred it.

-- Karen (, February 23, 2002.

I've been raising poultry for 18 years and ditto on the newspaper....spraddled leg thing. I start my chicks in the washroom (therefore in the house) so I have found that the best way to start them is by using wood litter chips from the farm store. It is well worth the $4.00 I pay. They tend to get disease on paper because they pick at the ____ on the paper.It also makes your house smell good and it lasts forever between changes.Good Luck!

-- Carla (, February 23, 2002.

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