Electricity off while incubating eggs

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

The electricity was off for about 6 hours today. I have light brahma chicken eggs in the incubator due to hatch the 8th of March. I did not open the incubator during the outage. Will my eggs still hatch?

-- sherry in Arkansas (chickadee259@yahoo.com), February 26, 2002


yes, they should be fine as long as you didn't open it and it is working ok now.

-- Corky Wolf (corkywolf@hotmail.net), February 26, 2002.

Hi Sherry,

We had a similar thing happen when my son was hatching eggs for his science fair project. They were absolutely cool in the morning when I discovered the incubater was unplugged (thanks big dumb dog!!!!). We were heartsick as this was his science grade. It turned out it didn't seem to effect them at all although I think the hatch time was slightly longer (on the order of hours longer not days). By all means just get it back up to temp and cross your fingers!!!! Kim p.s. we are in Arkansas too - Newton County

-- kim (flece@eritter.net), February 26, 2002.

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