The waiting game... : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

We have been told that our immigration papers are safely in New York City, being processed. We have also been told NOT to call to check up on things unless we have something to change (new address, new baby, etc.) So we continue to wait.

Baby is doing fine. A strong heartbeat measuring 140 beats/minute made me eager to see our newest family member. I am at 14 weeks, past the first trimester. Waiting...this time with something to do about it, like re-arranging furniture to make room for cradle and/or crib, looking for a larger vehicle, etc.

I keep looking for old abandoned houses that are not too far gone, have some land, and are not too close to the city. Waiting for "my" homestead.

Waiting teaches contentment with such things as we have, and patience. Cheerfulness helps a LOT.:o)

-- Cathy N. (, February 28, 2002


Are you planning to move back to the states? Must have missed that. Good luck.

A little quote about patience:

"God give me patience, and do it NOW."

Just remember, while you are waiting, that everything has a purpose, even if it does not fit our schedule. Keep cheerful and give me a BIG smile. See that does help.

Talk to you later.

-- Bob in WI (, February 28, 2002.

I know a lady that says to never pray for patience, pray for strength.

-- Cindy (SE. IN) (, February 28, 2002.

No, Bob, we hope to live our lives out in Canada. We are waiting for T.H.E.M. to process our paperwork so we can have permanent visas. Why that paperwork had to go to New York is something we have not been able to determine. We will have to go there too, as soon as T.H.E.Y. tell us to, for a personal interview.

-- Cathy N. (, February 28, 2002.

Okay, having never been to Canada (though I went to college with some very nice Canadians), I am curious. Since you have lived on both sides of the "line", please share; What are the differences in life that makes you wish to live "there" as opposed to "here".

I think Americans are often so spoiled we can't imagine living anywhere else, for fear we might be denied our "freedoms". I know a lot of the rest of the world thinks Americans are spoiled!

-- Christine in OK (, February 28, 2002.

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