Bergkamp : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

No complaints about the result on Saturday but did anyone else see Bergkamp kicking Shay in the leg? 10 minutes after the 1st goal Given collected the ball under pressure from Bergkamp; he went past, turned round and as he passed Shay he kicked him in the calf as he was getting up. It was absolutely premeditated, no way was it anything but intentional cos he knew the ref and linesman were right up the other end of the field. I wonder if that was a hangover from the Ireland-Holland world cup campaings.

So much for Gooners on last week's 606 saying they didn't deserve their bad disciplinary record and it was all down to poor refereeing.

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002


I think the abuse the Gallowgate gave him said it all..

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

Entirely in character actually. Undoubtedly a great player, but he always has been a nasty, sneaky piece of s**t. Can't stand the man.

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

Spawny bog eyed c**t

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

Let's have him up in front of the FA and banned from next weekends game.

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

No chance. The FA haven't even got round to looking into Henry's behaviour when we beat the *rse.

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

At least his English is good and comprehensible, he was intervied after wor game, alongside Sol the traitor, and I couldn't make head nor tail of Sol's cockney cr@p!

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

... Sol the traitor ...

Bliddy hell Bud, talk about giving people the chance to go off at half cock.

Didn't see said interview so was half way to querying how our Sol would be labelled 'traitor'

The perils of senility masquerading as eccentricity. :-{E}

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

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