1975 Dodge RV For Sale

greenspun.com : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread

Hello Folks, We finally got moved into our new house and want to get rid of the RV that we were living in. It is a 1975 21 foot Dodge RV. It needs some work but, a handy person and fix it up and use it for camping, living in, etc. It has brand new tires all around (six). It has a new radiator and the transmission has recently been serviced.

We would like $1800.00 for it. There is a picture of it on my webpage. Look in the photo album on the left that says Life in the Ozarks.



-- Anonymous, March 05, 2002


Ernest, it's a beauty!! I'd love to have her if I had the moolah. We could do a straight trade for my 1969 lima bean green Dodge Custom 100 pick-up with wrap-around windshield and "mod" jet hood ornament, but you'd be getting the short end of that one.

Why I'm posting is that I just watched the movie Escape From Witch Mountain for the first time this week, (old Disney thing, you remember it?) The kids loved it, but what I really liked was your camper van had a starring role in the movie...at the end it was literally flying!! Now that would make a good sales pitch if you could only find a link to the footage...

Good luck selling it!

-- Anonymous, March 09, 2002

Hello Gilly,

Thanks for giving my old camper some celebrity status! As I said, it is not much and needs a bit of work to make it liveable again. What I would do, if someone wanted to would TRADE it for a workable car or van. You see....my wife, daughter and I are fine with transporation for now but, in Septemeber we are expecting the arrivial of another child. The truck that I have will only seat myself, one car seat (daughter's) and my wife. We need something bigger to carry two car seats.



-- Anonymous, March 11, 2002

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