A little competition

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Raising meat rabbits for profit : One Thread

Well, I decided to bite the bullet and pay $54.00 for listing in a major reptile site. Posted an add yesterday advertising rabbits available, pinkies, fuzzies and older rabbits. The pinkies and fuzzies are those that didnt make it. I put them in freezer bags and freeze them. Older rabbits I classified at 1 lb and up. I decided to charge .25 cents for the pinkies, .45 for the fuzzies and $1.25 lb for the others plus shipping. They will be frozen. I researched this and looked into what others were selling at as far as pricing. A Huge distributor is selling 1-2 lb rabbits at $4.00 a piece. Well, any way I was contacted by this distributor this morning and they want me to supply 400-500 rabbits per month [written contract] to them. As long as I agree to remove my listings on the forums. I am thinking it over. The one good thing is they want 1-2 lb rabbits which would mean I could remove directly from the does cages at 4- 5 weeks and not have to have a lot of growing pens. I will let you all know what I decide.

-- tracy (murfette@stargate.net), March 06, 2002


Wow , looks like things are going good for you !

-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@hotmail.com), March 06, 2002.


I am curious, why would they want you to remove your listings from the forum as long as you can supply them what they want ?? Sounds like you are going "great guns" !! That is great, am really happy for you !! Send some of your "good fortune" our way !! Best of luck in whatever you decide !!

-- Brenda in NC (CherokeeMaiden2@aol.com), March 09, 2002.

Well I decided to try it. Starting a shipment of 50 1-2 lb rabbits on Monday. They have aranged their own pickup directly at my house. They are also sending freezer bags. If this works I will have a weekly contract after that. The reason they dont want me listing is that I was undercutting their prices. I told him I would remove the listings on the snake forums but will still be selling to BARFers. I am really rethinking cage setups, etc. All my growing pens can be utilized with more does, well most of them.

-- tracy (murfete@stargate.net), March 09, 2002.

WOW !! They will even come to your house to pickup ?? That is great ! Sounds like you have a good deal going ! I tried to email you, but it keeps coming back...do you have another email I can use?? Good luck with your new distributor!!

-- Brenda in NC (CherokeeMaiden2@aol.com), March 09, 2002.

Tracy, When you say a "weekly contract", does this mean they will buy x number of rabbits a week for a year? 6 Months? Or will they contact you each week and tell you how may they need or not need? I hope it is not the latter because that would not be much of a contract.

I really admire you in how you took this idea and turned it into going business and in such a short time. I remember when you first posted this idea over at countryside, I was one of the ones who thought it never would work, I have seen many people try to get into the rabbit business but have yet to see any actually turn it into a viable business. You sure have done your homework! Good Luck and keep up the good work!

-- Mark in N.C. Fla. (deadgoatman@webtv.net), March 09, 2002.

Thanks Darryl, That was a nice compliment. I really believe that anything is possible with the right mind set, determination and lots of hard work. I personally have been overwhelmed with responses and cant believe that others fail. They either arnt determined enough or arent willing to work enough cause there sure is a market out there. As far as the contract. For now I will be shipping 50 1-2 lb rabbits weekly. They actually wanted more but at this point I want to be conservative. I dont want to commit to supplying and not be able to fullfill my agreement. I am hoping that in 2 months I will be able to supply 100 per week. I also still want to supply the BARF people.

-- tracy (murfete@stargate.net), March 09, 2002.

Hi Tracy, I think you may have confused Mark in NC FLA with me. I agree with Mark-really impressive work,you GO girl. Daryll

-- Daryll in NW FLA (twincrk@hotmail.com), March 09, 2002.

I third the motion, Tracy. I think the reason that you are succeeding is because you have obviously been very aggressive about getting out and finding markets for your rabbits. The biggest problem faced by most producers is in selling- "almost" anyone can succeed at raising rabbits, but unless you want to keep feeding them, ultimately you need to keep them moving. I think it is great that you are so willing to share your knowledge with the rest of us. I would be interested in hearing from others who have followed Tracy's lead, and curious to know whether her methods are helping others to succeed. Keep up the great work, Tracy.

-- Elizabeth (ekfla@aol.com), March 09, 2002.

WOW!!!Great news! Also I am happy to see the forum back up. I got very busy and then it was gone. Thanks so much for sharing your tips. Methinks I am calling some reptile stores in the morning.

-- Doreen (animalwaitress@yahoo.com), March 10, 2002.

Hey, this is exactly what I'd like to do. I'm very small right now (1 buck and 3 does) but if I had a market I'd go for it and get much bigger. Tracy do you mind sharing your distributors name since they're wanting more than you can supply them right now?

-- Dawn (dgclough@wpcs.net), March 16, 2002.

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