I finally met the Leica M7 in person... dang! :D

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Hi Leica folks,

I found got the opportunity to touch the Leica M7 plus Summicron 90mm f2 lens in a demo version at our local CBOP store. It's a thrilling camera to use and it puts most of my cameras I have to shame (including my cute Leica CL camera). The rangefinder patch is stronger and brighter and doesn't disappear from side to side. The weight is not much different than that of a Leica M6 and the feel is extremely similar in terms of the touch and texture.

The auto function is very nice to have for photojournalism and action shots and locking exposure using the half press on the shutter is very functional. I am definitely not going to get the R8 this year like I expected to upgrade from my R4 but I will save up to get this beauty.

I don't know when I will be able to get one but I know that I will get 2500 ducks by the end of the summer so that I can procure this beautiful machine. :D

-- Alfie Wang (leica_phile@hotmail.com), March 10, 2002


Alfie- Don't forget about Leica Day at your authorized dealer. You can save 10%. Maybe you can purchase it on Leica Day, and have the dealer hold it for you until you pay it off. Don

-- Donald Wansor (wansor@optonline.net), March 10, 2002.

I was on the fence, but now I'm convinced. If Alfie wants one, sign me up.

-- Robert Schneider (rolopix@yahoo.com), March 10, 2002.

$2500 buys a lot of film.

-- Richard (rvle@yahoo.com), March 10, 2002.

$2500 buys a lot of film.

...or quite a few photo-essays.

-- John (ouroboros_2001@yahoo.com), March 10, 2002.

m7 seems to defeat the whole idea of leica Ms, will the m8 or m9 to just like a contax g2.Leica need to read their oen brochure.

-- allen herbert (ALLEN1@BTINTERNET.COM), March 10, 2002.

Does it make sense that "...the rangefinder patch doesn't disappear from side to side?" Does that M7 have an improved rangefinder? Thanks, Jack

-- Jack Belen (jbelen@aol.com), March 10, 2002.

I meant that the rangefinder patch doesn't disappear when you move your eyes from the left or right side and you're not positioned in the middle. It's certainly very good compared to the Bessa-R which I have that major problem with. Especially when you're in cramped places.

-- Alfie Wang (leica_phile@hotmail.com), March 10, 2002.

Great review Alfie -- But like Robert now I want one! What to sell, what to sell...


-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), March 10, 2002.

Jack B. I don't believe the RF itself has been changed in the M7 (although I could be wrong - Erwin would probably know better). However, they have now multi-coated the VF window, thus reducing the incidence of flaring of the RF patch. This is a problem I myself have not experienced, but others have. So in essence, the RF operation has been improved even though the RF itself has not.

-- Eliot (erosen@lij.edu), March 10, 2002.

By the way, I think that Leica is smart to keep the M-line options open with offering the M6 TTL and the M7 together. I sincerely believe that is the main reason why Nikon is doing rather well. People want to shoot both the autofocus bodies (I don't personally) and the manual focus bodies are for the more patient ones (rather nice too).

Aperture priority is a smart idea to be honest. However, people here may curse me for saying that the use of batteries in a M camera is evil but I own a CL with the slow shutter speeds totally dead or off til 1/15 (which is little a bit slow). I really do believe that electronic control of the shutter is more accurate over the long run although I have yet to test the M7 for years to come.

I will save up for a M7 by the end of the year. Right now I'm focusing on getting the M2 which is going to be a nice step up from the CL (although that one is getting kept for the back up/half broken body that it is) which is nice but worthless for the Noct or Summiluxes.

-- Alfie Wang (leica_phile@hotmail.com), March 10, 2002.

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