How to set up a Glasser Quality : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread |
I am taking an independent study class at my high school entitled Choice Theory. I would eventually like to become a teacher, so my advisor asked me to research different theories. Choice Theory intrigued me and now for my Cadet Teaching class, I am presenting the specifics of my research. Though I have read Choice Theory in the Classroom as well as Every Student can Succeed, I feel my presentation is lacking. Could you please e-mail information on how to set up a Glasser Quality Classroom and what it will look like. Thank you in advance.
-- Amanda Smith (, March 11, 2002
The 'Quality school', and its companion 'The Quality school Teacher'Are probably the most helpfull texts. There is a good article in The International Journal of Reality Therapy, Vol XX1 No 1 Fall 2001[see this website] called 'Lead Management mentoring'. It is written by Andrea Van Der Lann who has taken over as principal in the very first Quality School, The Huntington woods school in Wyoming Michigan and covers her vision as a new principal. 'The unfinished Revolution' on which is linked to this website might also be helpful. If you wished to go further you might look up 'The School for Quality learning, Managing the school and classroom the Deming way': ISBN 0- 87822-341-x
-- Ken Lyons (, March 16, 2002.