Leitz ELDIA for sale

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

this device is for contact copying of film. you can make B+W slides out of your negatives with it. i have never used it, as i haven't acces to a proper darkroom. i've read somewhere on the web that the quality of the slides you get is really good. it is in perfect mint condition and complete, comes with slightly battered original box, but no manual. designwise the relationship to the leica m is noticeable. should be a nice addition to every collection and a useful too. i'd like to have $40 for it (negotiable). postage at actual cost. UK or german cheque or PAYPAL. i send worldwide.

-- stefan randlkofer (geesbert@yahoo.com), March 12, 2002


one addition: of course you get a copy of your negatives, the originals stay unaffected!

-- stefan randlkofer (geesbert@yahoo.com), March 12, 2002.


We can't see the pictures

-- Robin Smith (smith_robin@hotmail.com), March 13, 2002.

i can see it. anyone else with that problem?

check here:


-- stefan randlkofer (geesbert@yahoo.com), March 13, 2002.

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