Nice starter group of goats in East Texas : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have 3 doelings for sale, purebred Nubian sire (my bloodlines) x Toggenberg and Alpine dams. One is recorded Togg/Nubian Experimental, the other two are recorded grades. Buckling is a purebred Nubian from my herd. The 4 go for 400$ now, 550$ when weaned. They are end of Feburary first of March kids, disbudded, tatooed, raised heat treated and pasturised.

Vicki McGaugh Lonesome Doe Nubians North of Houston Texas GOAT EMERGENCY? GOAT NEWBIE? come visit our message board and see the goats in the Picture Album

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, March 12, 2002

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