A New Photo -- B+W

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Can't say how grateful I am for advice and thoughtful responses to my prior images.

At the risk of overdoing it, I've posted another which might pass for B+W street photography. The film was Ilford Delta 3200, which I shot at 1600 (per Jack Flescher's suggestion) and processed at 3200. The contrast is high and the grain adds atmosphere. Your thoughts?

Still haven't mastered the link, but cutting and pasting the address below will get you there eventually.


-- Gulley Jimson (gulleyjimson@hotmail.com), March 13, 2002


I like the angles and the motion, but the expression seems a bit serene for Cajun Cello. Not sure what the seemingly-disinterested guy in the background contributes . . .

-- Mike Dixon (mike@mikedixonphotography.com), March 13, 2002.

I think I would have shot from a different angle, something to break out of the 5'10" & perfect horizontal mode. Something a little stranger might reveal some of the liveliness of the scene.

-- Preston Merchant (merchant@speakeasy.org), March 13, 2002.

Nice shot, with lots of motion, but I agree it might haver been made better from a lower camera position.

From a technical perspective, you gotta love it! Nice grain, a few blown-out highlights with slight halation (which could be a scanner/monitor issue), but incredible shadow detail despite any scanner/monitor issues!


-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), March 13, 2002.

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