Got my Vita Mix today! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Okay, I made my decision based on "your" advice and ordered a Vita Mix. I got it today! I haven't tried it yet, but I'm excited about all of the possibilities. Several of you said you use yours to process food for canning; if anyone has any recipes for using it to can with, I'd love to have them, especially tomato juice. I'll let you know how it goes.....

-- Sharon (, March 14, 2002


Good for you Sharon. It's always kind of exciting when something you've ordered. I've been thinking about getting a Vita Miz for quite a while. It just isn't in the budget. Oh well, someday. Hope you enjoy it.

-- Murray in ME (, March 14, 2002.

Yippee!! Boy..the goodies will be flowing at your house!! I am excited for you. I love mine and have not done nearly enough with it. Congrats and enjoy!

-- Sher (, March 14, 2002.

I bought one in the 70's and I love it. Flour is easy to make. Even with 4 year old BB soybeans!! Have fun!!!

-- Gailann Schrader (, March 15, 2002.

What all does a Vita Mix do. I am looking at for a good bread kneader (sp) mine just went off to College! I have a Grain Mill for my wheat berries but was wondering about a machine to knead the bread, does a Vita Mix do that, what I was thinking about was a Bostch machine. Have you heard of that?

-- debbie (, March 15, 2002.

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