Convert MOV to Mpeg-1 format : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I bought a Nikon Digital Camera which produces 40 secs of MOV movie file. I want to convert it to Mpeg-1 format. Has anyone can offer any solution ?

Thanks SY Chai

-- SY Chai (, March 18, 2002


Please install "QuickTime" and use "Xing MPEG Encoder" to encode your MOV files to MPEG-1 files.

-- Frederic (, March 18, 2002.

This is the cheapest way but no guarantees on quality. Download RADvideo and convert the Quicktime file to AVI using lossless codec (it supports whatever codec that is installed into yr system) then use TMPGEnc to convert to MPEG1

-- WKSoo (, March 19, 2002.

If you wish to use TMPGEnc, download the quicktime plugin for TMPGEnc from

-- Dinesh (, April 15, 2002.

Thank you for all the solutions provided. I tried with TMPGenc, so far it works, but as said the quality is not really that good. Also, MOV files taken from digital camera wasn't the right movie quality, so we cannot expect much from it.


-- SY Chai (, September 22, 2002.

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