Care to discuss eating healthy "2"? : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

This is a continuation of an earlier thread.

Overview: Lost 33 #'s, & 4 dress sizes in 2 1/2 months.

How: Quit eating refined sugar and processed flour. Eat smaller portions and exercise 7 days a week.

I'd love to hear your comments!

-- Stacy in Michigan (, March 21, 2002


Hi Stacy -

Congratulations! Wow!

So, for example, what did you cut out of your diet?? Do you eat bread?? What do you do for exercise??

THANKS!!!!! ;)

-- heather (, March 21, 2002.


I hope you will keep this thread going and not go to private email. I have been following it and would like to keep doing so.

-- Elizabeth (, March 21, 2002.

I did some research on the Prism diet. It is good but I still think vegetarian is better. But, do remember, I said we eat one meat meal a week - organically grown beef and we do eat a few eggs. This is mostly for the B12. Our own bodies can produce B12 but only when we are in a very healthy state. Once we feel our bodies are back in that state, we will more than likely quit eating meat entirely. By the way, what I consider unhealthy, drs. would probably consider healthy! This is an interesting site. Dr. Joel Robbins "diet" is pretty much what we are doing: Please check it out. When we first did, we thought, "this is crazy" but the proof is in the "puddin" so to speak! I will be gone most of the day but will check in later to see what everyone has to say. Oh yes, the social aspects of these diets is no fun, like you said Stacy. Everyone and I do mean everyone, thinks you are crazy. But we have decided we don't care what anyone thinks or says, it's our health!

-- Barb in Ky (, March 22, 2002.

Heather asked what I cut out of my diet. Well I cut out everything that is made with processed flour. If I eat bread, it is bread that I have made by first grinding my own wheat berry into flour. If an item has sugar, corn syrup etc... I do not eat it. This gets really interesting because most of us never pay attention to what we put into our mouths! I am certainly just as guilty of this as the next girl. But once you start to pay attention, your eyes will be opened and you will see it everywhere.

For example, peanut butter! There are two kinds of peanut butter, natural(no added anything) or unnatural(added salt and sugar). If you want to eat healthier, skip the Jif!!!! Jam & jelly, there are alternatives to sugared or low sugar jams, "all-fruit". It come in many different brands, but is as the name indicates, all fruit with no sugars. Keeping away from pasta is a great diet tip. Most pastas are made with processed flour, but in the end they are an empty carb, Not alot of health value in them! Why fill your tummy with anything that doesn't feed & fuel your body.

Exercise is so important!!! I do a Richard Simmons video (60 min) 7 days a week, because that is what my body requires. I did start out doing 3 days per seek. Then upped it to 5 days a week. Now I do 7 because that is what my body required. It is different for each person based on many factors. Give it a try, you might be supprised how much better you feel after the first 10 days.

In the end it all depends on a very simple premiss:

How much are you willing to change to get healthy and stay there? This is not for the faint hearted. This is not a "get thin quick scheme". It's a change of your lifestyle, so that you can feel your best, look your best, and give your loved ones your best.

God Bless,

-- Stacy in Michigan (, March 22, 2002.


Do you make your own peanut butter? If so, where do you get the peanuts? and, how do you make it?

-- Elizabeth (, March 22, 2002.

I do not make my own peanut butter, but that's only because I don't want to take the time to do it. I purchase my peanut butter at the grocery store. I just make sure that it is an all natural brand. Read the labels of all your groceries!!!! The only ingredient in peanut butter should be peanuts. It is a trial and error thing, until you find the one you like best. But please remember, that natural peanut butter seperates. Every time you use it it must be stirred first. Also storing it unside down in the cabinet it usefull, but not necessary.

I want to add to this, that changing your diet is an ongoing thing. If you find that you are a guest at someones home and you realize that nothing there is appropriate, then wing it. Take small portions of 2 things, or ask if you can bring a dish to share. If you eat something unhealthy, God will not strike you down with lightning! Just remember to stay on course every meal that you can, and don't make excuses when you are able to(being tempted is part of life).

Eat healthy and God Bless!

-- Stacy in Michigan (, March 23, 2002.

Stacy: Good for you! I also buy natural nut butter at the health food store and in the health food section of Fred Meyer's. They both have a grinder that grinds it for you. However, I was told that it must be stored in the refrigerator as the natural oil will go rancid at room temp. Does anyone else know if this is true? It does make it much harder to spread if it is stored in the fridge. Keep up the good work!! My children love it best when apple slices are dipped in the nut butter like people do with chips and dip.

-- Marie in Central WA (, March 24, 2002.

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