mild depression and choice : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread |
Could you please send information on the diagnosis and treatment of mild depression as it relates to choice theory?
-- James Phillips (, March 23, 2002
I dont think it would be possible to answer your question through this medium. I think it would go a long way towards helping if you read the cases in the case study books that have a depression element in them. You can see a list of case study books in the research section of this website. You could start with "The Road Back:A Delinquent and Depressed Sixteen year old boy is rehabilitated" By Melvin L.Goard in the case book "What Are You Doing?"
-- Ken Lyons (, March 24, 2002.
I have written a book published by Hyperion called Depression is a Choice: Winning the Battle Without Drugs. It is a personal journey, based upon the idea of choice, over a diagnosis of manic depression using a new cognitive therapy I developed called Directed Thinking. Diagnosed with manic depression as was my father and brother, I was shocked at the terrible effect doctor-prescribed drugs had on my father and brother. So I refused the drugs, stopped going to psychotherapists, went back to graduate school and became one. And I discovered the answer to manic depression in the latest research of neuroscience which I developed into a method called Directed Thinking. Directed Thinking is based on the neuroscientific fact that our feelings are all produced in the subcortex but we can't feel our feelings unless they are first received and acknowledged in the neocortex. People can experience tissue damage in the subcortex and lose the faculty of producing any feelings or emotion. But people can also experience damage in the neocortex in the place which receives the signals from the subcortex feelings and they will not be able to feel or experience the emotion they produce in the subcortex anymore than those who can't produce the subcortical feelings in the first place. Instead of zapping feelings with drugs or electro-shock at the site of subcortex, Directed Thinking by- passes and "thought-jams" the cognitive focus on them at the site of the neocortex until the chemical balance shifts out of anxious to more normal. Directed Thinking is also based upon the fact that a human being can only think one thought at a time, and we can choose any thought we want to think.
-- A. B. Curtiss (, March 01, 2003.