Pray for the Lofton, Burt and Ming Families : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Dear Brothers and Sisters It has been incredible reading 204 notes of sympathy after Bishop Ming's passing on to reward. Let us remember the families both in the United States and in Bermuda. Let us now pray for Bishop Grady and Mother Grady as they prepare to move in the middle of tenure in the 9th District and for Bishop Kirland and family as they move to the 9th. Let us also remember others who have suffered loss this past week. Let us pray for Rev. John and his family as he is being challenged right now. May God use us who use this new medium of communication that we lift up the spirits of our bretheren,

God Bless You All

-- Anonymous, March 24, 2002


What's going on with Reverend John?


-- Anonymous, March 25, 2002

Dear Rev. Stocker I am advised that Rev. John's parents have had major illness recently.

Blessings to you

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2002

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