Is there gonna be a flava 8 in charlotte or no? : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread

just wondering weather or not its going to happen. ive heard its in april...ive also heard its in august.i havent been to a rave in like two years! im feeling deprived!


-- Anonymous, March 25, 2002


Hey Mesja, its Narnoo. ~don't think i'm crazy peepz, i know this guy in real life and these r our kid around names~ I wonder if it's coincidence that I click a link and its you lol. I heard flavor 8 its going to be around August 10th but I'm not sure. You know how rumors can be. I think Mike will be the most reliable source of finding out. Oh Wait, actually ask Micheal, Daniel's brother. So, hows your glow stickin and bostaffin getting? I've been practicing and I think I'm getting good.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2002

Flavor 8 will be June 29th in Charlotte at the Grady Cole Center. I'm a little worried about how good it will be but for more info go to this website............ ails.asp?ID=1615

Hope this helps

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2002

My bad on the site address :(

This is the right one ails.asp?ID=1615

Sorry bout that!

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2002

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