Boss Teaching and Lead : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread |
I am a college student majoring in education. I am doing an oral report on William Glasser's lead teaching and boss teaching. I was wondering if you could give me some good examples of lead teaching and some good examples of boss teaching. I would really appreciate it. Hope to hear from you within two days. Thanks- Regina Lortie, Junior at Goshen College, Indiana
-- Regina Lortie (, March 25, 2002
A boss teacher delivers materials derived from his own agenda to a captive audience at his own pace and in his time broadly without input from his students.Most teaching you will be familiar with is Boss teaching and is is a direct, focused and efficent method. The lead teacher elicits the material as best she can from the students themselves, respecting their needs and their strengths and weaknesses. A lesson on Shakespears sonnets,for example, could be delivered as a set of notes and examples that the students would be required to assimilate and requrgitate later. On the other hand the students could be divided into working groups and different members of each group could be given simplified material on some aspect of the sonnets [ie one member of each group given information on the rhyme scheme of sonnets].Each group could be given the overall task of deciding the approach they wanted to adopt and presenting a coherent lesson on the sonnets to the other groups. This is an attempt to give the greatest amount of control possible over to the students. The workload on the teacher is greater in the lead teaching situation but studies have shown that the amount learnt is greater and more material is retained. Without doubt the students prefer the lead teaching method and find it more satisfying.The Johnson and johnson Co-operative learning method is heavily lead teaching.
-- Ken Lyons (, March 25, 2002.
Boss teaching: you wiil learn what I will say, when I will explain you hav ti know and I wiil control. If you will not know, I have to punish you or if you will know I will give you reword (top grade) Lead teaching: you will learn what you need. I will teach you only what you will use. When you will learn it you will be succesful. If you wil not understand I,m here to help you. We will together see what is your result. I'm here to help you to know everithying I will teach. I care about what you know. My life is good beacause I've learned it and I stil learn today with a lot of joy.
-- Antun/Tonz Rehak (, April 03, 2002.