Schneider-Kreuznach Tele-Xenar1:5/240 : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

A neighbor gave me a Schneider-Kreuznach Tele-Xenar1:5/240 that her husband used to use on a press camera. The Serial # is 3465546. It is marked Linhof on the barrel and has a Linhoff shutter. I would like to find out more about this lens. Quality, value, sharpness, history, etc. I looked on the Schnider website, but didnt get any answers. Thanks,


-- Adam Jahiel (, March 26, 2002


It is a good, sharp, older (1950's to 60's) tele lens. I have one for my Tech III and use it a good amount. The shutter is easy to clean and maintain. Check to see how the shutter speeds are in the 1 sec, 1/2 second range. If they lag it needs to be cleaned. Go to http:// and ask Steve.

-- Scott Walton (, March 26, 2002.

Try this link for Schneider: ses/

-- Jerry Flynn (, March 26, 2002.

I also have one of these, and like it a lot. Mine came with a Linhof TechV I used to have. Got rid of the Tech and keep the Lens. Now I use it with my Brand New Shen-Hao.

I also have a Rodenstock Sironar, and canīt tell the difference between negatives made with either.

-- Enrique Vila (, March 26, 2002.

I believe there are two versions of this lens. One for 6x9 and a second, larger lens for 4x5. Mine is for the 6x9, and it has a rear lens diameter that's just shy of 1.5". Schneider used to have stats for this lens on their webpage, but they've apparently pulled it.

-- neil poulsen (, March 26, 2002.

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