spring for enlarger

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I just bought an enlarger beseler 67cp (used), and it didn't come with a manual. I installed it but once I was finished I realized that I had an extra part. Along with it was a note "spring for enlarger" the problem is, I don't know where it goes or what it does, and there's no way for me to contact the previous owner. If you have any clue about where it should go and could share the info with me, please answer. I would be more than happy. Thanx

-- Magz castro (magalidecastro@hotmail.com), March 27, 2002


Try the web site below for a manual. But before buying a manual, operate your enlarger for awhile and see whether the spring's absence makes itself apparent. If the enlarger works well without it, enjoy. Also, if transferring this URL into your address line doesn't work, note that the main site is manuals2go.com. http://www.manuals2go.com/cart/cart.cgi?db=stuff.dat&category=DARKROO M+EQUIPMENT+MANUALS&search=Beseler&method=any_words&begin=6& display=5&price=&merchant=

-- Keith Nichols (knichols1@mindspring.com), March 30, 2002.

As I feared, the URL as quoted in my first message doesn't work, because a space has appeared in the word "darkroom" between the o and the m. Close that up after you transfer the URL to your address line, and it works okay.

-- Keith Nichols (knichols1@mindspring.com), March 30, 2002.

You can always check with Beseler. They've got full information on their products, old & new.

-- Charlie Strack (charlie_strack@sti.com), April 02, 2002.

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