Friday- this note was posted on the back-up site : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Hi everyone. Today is a beautiful day here in SE Ohio. Warm and a little windy. I had to run to town this morning. Broke my buy nothing campaign! Needed maroon colored thread for curtains,ran out of horsefeed, had to go to the bank, and then I ran into Kroger's and picked up some fresh fruit. I am supposed to take dessert to my Dad's house for Easter and I decided on banana bread, and a big fruit tray, and I wanted to put strawberries on it!!! Oh well, I guess I am not too good at not shopping. When we were first married I went without so many things, and now we have a little money extra, so I guess if I want strawberries I will just buy them!!!! No discipline here!!! But I did not over do it... Came home and cleaned out the van. Kadia was working on laundry for me, and has the lines full. We had a lot of blankets to wash. The girls all got their rooms cleaned yesterday, but I did not get the curtains made. Maybe today, but as nice as it is, I doubt it! Well I had better go, I want to go outside for a while. It is getting a little cloudy, chance of rain, but I don't think it is going to. Ardie, the site is not moving this weekend. I am sure Chuck will let us know way in advance. He was out of town working this week, so I am pretty sure he did not have time to mess with it much. Talk to you all later.

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (, March 30, 2002


It feels like Saturday here, since the kids are home today. What a nice day! Cale and I mostly just sat on the swing out under my willow tree. I read a good book, and Cale just sat there swinging with me.... Usually when I read, I read him the good parts out loud!!! My house is alive with lady bugs. The warm air must have brought them out. Crazy things! Tonight we went to look at a "new" used truck for Cale. He is going to buy it, so we have to go back tomorrow and pick it up. We have been putting back some money so we are able to pay cash for it, which is nice, not to have to get a loan. So I have to run him to pick it up, then we are going to visit my Grandmother,and My Mom. My step-father has been sick with the flu, so if you all could, keep him in your prayers. Tomorrow evening I have to bake and do some cooking. My two nephews are staying over tonight. They have all been playing, and now they are watching a video, some mountain show that looks pretty cute. Sounds like it is brewing up a bit of a storm outside, so I had better get off of here and close this thing down.

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (, March 30, 2002.

Melissa how does one get to that back up site?

-- Nancy (, March 30, 2002.

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (, March 30, 2002.

Thanks Melissa! Have a beautiful April 1st.

-- Nancy (, April 01, 2002.

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