Updates, new things learned, etc...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Here is your cahnce to update everyone on any new things you have learned here on the forum. Also let us know about advice that has helped you, changes you have made in your life, home, or family etc... Sometimes itis fun to read about how people are learning or changing form the forum.

I have been cooking with oil instead of shortening in recipes, and it is working out fine. Thanks to those who gave me the substitution. I have quit eating anything with hyrrogenated fat, due to a posting here and then further research. Thank you!

Feel free to post your updates here....

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (me@home.net), April 01, 2002


I guess the most important thing I learned this last month is that appendicitis mimics flu. I found out that I'm not the only one who has thought that my child only had the flu when, in fact, it was a life-threatening bout of appendicitis. So, I'd like to pass on that if your young-un has the flu for more than a day, or complains with his "waist" hurting(mine didn't complain of pain til the end of day three), take him in. Also, tell the doc specifically that you want to rule out appendicitis. I have a friend who took his daughter to er with appendicitis, after a week with "the flu", and was sent home again. This poor child was only lucky that the appendix was pointing up against her intestines, and sealed itself back off somewhat, after tearing.

-- mary, still in CO (mlg@mlg.com), April 01, 2002.

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