I am so excited, I have web advertising....Please read everyone..

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am a sponsor (one of many) of a really good website contest. The address is www.freelancebyu.com I realize many of you probably already go to this site, but I am excited to be recieving advertising on such a popular site. I hope you all go and visit it, as it has lots of great tips for saving money. Thanks for listening, not to many people to tell here... Just my great friends here on the forum.

-- Kristean Thompson (pigalena_babe@yahoo.com), April 01, 2002



You sound as excited as my granddaughters were on Easter morning. I wish you all the luck in the world on your enterprise. I went to the site, but don't know which ad is yours.

-- Bob in WI (bjwick@hotmail.com), April 01, 2002.

Congratulations, Kristean!! You go, girl!

-- Bren (wayoutfarm@skybest.com), April 01, 2002.

Very cool, Kristin! Sounds like you have a great product. Good luck!!


-- Stacey (stacey@lakesideinternet.com), April 02, 2002.

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