LUCIANNE - Short Cuts Tuesday--GREAT PIC!!! : LUSENET : Current News - Homefront Preparations : One Thread

I know it says Wednesday but yesterday's stuff is still up. Today's stuff goes up around ninish.
Wednesday, April 03, 2002


Quote of the day:

"Like a belated belch from a bad meal, Newsweek is now featuring an interview with former president Bill Clinton. They chose that hard-as-nails unbiased reporter Jonathan Alter to do it. Was Joe Conason unavailable?"

--Andrew Sullivan


Saying Good-Bye to The Queen Mum: She would not have been offended.

Still Lying After All These Years: He's had 14 months, a few lonely nights and endless plane rides to figure it out and he still can't get it right. Bill Clinton's first interview out of office, which must have had Newsweek's Jonathan Alter slobbering for joy, is so marred by obvious untruths and self-pitying revisionism he might have well just gone on Extra! and played the sax. Here's the New York Post's short and sweet dismissal of it all.

What Did Novak Know? Pundit Robert Novak, pleading love of college basketball, refused to visit the set of the most embarrassing new screamfest mounted on TV since Jerry Springer - CNN's revamp of Crossfire. This jumped-up, unintelligible barnyard battle that takes place on a set that would have even Elton John heaving, is not what America needs during these perilous times. In their attempt to out-fox Fox CNN has simply foxed themselves. Stay away, Bob, stay far away.

Elder Abuse: Why CBS feels we will learn something by their sending a 70-year-old man to risk getting blown to bits is a puzzler. Putting Gunga Dan in harm's way just doesn't seem fair to his grandchildren but think of the headlines had his timing been just a hair off.

She Enjoys Being a Girl: Thomas Bray's elegant essay in today's WSJ Opinion Online brings up a point yet to be mentioned: Leslie Stahl's Sunday night 60 Minutes interview with Ariel Sharon in which she reduces the bloody conflict between tiny Israel and the entire Arab world to the personal. She badgered Sharon with several questions about his "hating Arafat." Sharon refused to bite but it was an embarrassing performance for the long time Israel hating show.

Leggo My Eggo: In a refreshing departure from politics if not bloodshed we have this story out of Chicago about a man who ate too much of his roommate's chicken dinner and was attacked with an ashtray, pliers, a hammer, a fire extinguisher, a dumbbell and, finally, a knife.

Sex Sells: One of the muttered complaints about the Enron story was that it wasn't sexy. Now we have the solution. Thanks to Playboy we will be able to see nude pictures of the Women of Enron. Not to be outdone, Playgirl, a magazine people had totally forgotten, wants to provide us with fleshy snaps of the Men of Enron. Just the thought of Ken Lay with a staple in his navel makes us want to turn back to the news of the War on Terror. It's less scary.

When An Ldot Thread Says it All: MSNBC is trying to bring back Phil Donahue. We could provide no better comments than our readers. Go here for a chortle.

Your snorting, chortling, giggling and guffawing LComStaff

Links of interest:

Roundtable Archives

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2002


I wonder if those flowers in the picture look familiar to Peter?

Not sure what to make of the Donahue story. Did Marlo go thru all his money already?

And I guess we can say that Clinton is trying to get into comedy? Except he isn't funny unless he's the butt of the jokes.

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2002

Barefoot, outside of the roses, no I don't recognise the other flowers. But I have found out what my mystery flowers are - camillias (sp?).

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2002

I'm sorry that the Queen Mum is gone. It'll be quite a week for the mourners. I'll have a sip of gin in her honor at the next opportunity.

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2002

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