Boer doe crosses : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread

We've got more goats than we need on the amount of space we have. I've got several Boer cross does. Some of them are Nubian and Boer and part of Saanen, Nubian and Boer. Some are 1/2 some are 3/4. These are nice well taken care of girls with current shots and worming. They are all pretty tame. They 2 year olds, 1 year olds and this years kids.

I'd trade for a clippers suitable for full body clipping, a deep freeze or would sell out right.

I am located in North Central Arkansas

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2002


Oh Sherry, I have been looking for a purebred Boer Buck and some percentage does. I raise Nubians but do not have the time or the market for the milk. I do not have a freezer or a spare clippers so how much to you want for them???? thanks a bunch. karen

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2002

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