I want to know about Market gardens, selling livestock etc in MS?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am wanting to know more about selling produce in Mississippi mostly the Gulf Coast. And selling livestock. we have had luck in some things but we are wanting to know what other people find works for them. I would like to sell organic beef we raise and take to packing house when the buyer wants it done, road side stand at our house. baked goods. Generally a mixed bag of things, but what have others find that works for them in this area. Oh and does the extension agent have the answers for laws in out area on selling these things if not than who? thank you Erika

-- Erika (aewood11@juno.com), April 14, 2002


whoa,whoa! that's a lot of questions at once! us simple southerners will be overwhelmed! ;)

well here is a farm that is raising livestock & specialty crop for chefs in southern MS. crickhollow farm here's an addy for them:


roadsides seem popular, but low end prices. any flea markets near - by? farmers markets? health food stores? if the extension agent doesn't have the answers on selling meat they will certainly give you the name & # of who does! ask about the 'make mine mississippi' program too. good luck!

-- bj pepper ,in central MS. (pepper.pepper@excite.com), April 15, 2002.

Subscribe to the Mississippi Market Bulletin, put out by the Dept. of Agriculture. Cheap to get, like $8 a year, and it comes out every 2 weeks. A great resource----will tell you about livestock auctions and farmer's markets and you can place an ad there free.

-- Jeff (lorianandjeff@aol.com), April 16, 2002.

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