Quinn Chapel Moves to New Facility

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

I found this article that may be of interest to our AME family:


-- Anonymous, April 17, 2002


I wish I had known about this church when I was in Louisville several years ago. Congratulations to the Quinn Chapel family! I must confess I'm a bit surprised why one of the trustees mentioned how much money her family contributed to the building of the new church. Speaking for myself, I do not think this is wise. I pray the trustee's family who donated almost half of the money to get the $2.3 million edifice built will resist the temptation of "managerial control". While the family's generous contribution is a blessing, too often this leads to unfortunate quid-pro-quos. Some things are simply not needed for public knowledge. QED

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2002

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