Update: Corn Gluten Meal Herbicide

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I finally got the label for corn gluten meal herbicide from my local ag supplier (Wilbur-Ellis) and the instructions are fine. The application rate, although for a bigger area, sounds like the one someone previously posted. And the best thing: 50 lbs is only $13.50 and that includes shipping from OR to MT! This is *much* less expensive than any other source I tried, and the only ingredients are corn gluten and soy oil (probably to make it into a meal from the original powder).

We plan on using it on the garlic (planted last fall and coming up nicely), onion transplants, statice transplants, and in the 10 gallon pots we grow our tomatoes in (we use garden soil to give them full flavor, and of course, it's weedy). I also have a flowerbed that I refer to as my "Weeds of the West Display Garden" . . . that I may actually be able to plant perennials in!

-- Marcia in MT (marciabundi@myexcel.com), April 23, 2002


Thanks for the update Marcia. Let us know how it works.

-- Murray in ME (lkdmfarm@megalink.net), April 23, 2002.

Where did you order your corn gluten from. I recently ordered from Gardensalive. First of all, they could not provide me with information on what I could use this on. The price for 50 lbs was $42 and the shipping from Or to KY was $18. How is this inexpensive?

-- Carole Kington (kington@duo-county.com), April 27, 2002.

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