Ironic Music for Adverts : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Spotted this one the other day. Some international bank or financing company is using Every Breath You Take together with images and captions showing shiny happy people, lots of warm snapshots etc. Strange that Every Breath is about a bitter and resentful break up of a relationship!

Likewise, Harvester restaurants used The Christians' 'Harvest for the World' to advertise their sumptuous feasting on grilled ribs and fresh vegetables. Curious that the song is about starvation in the 3rd world and the greed of the 1st world.

Any more?

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2002


Didn't Vauxhall use 'Bitter Sweet Symphony'? 'Slave to money then you die'...yup, that should help us sell the new model.

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2002

Lynx used to have a series of adverts with virile young men travelling around the globe to the strains of Pink Floyd's Shine on you Crazy Diamond. I'm not an expert on thses things, but my advice on how to pull birds would probably not include ingesting vast amounts of acid, covering my head in a mixture of gel and Mandrax tablets which subsequently melt under the stage lights, run off into the night and become a recluse, put on 12 stone, shave my head and never speak to anyone about my experiences, as Syd Barrett, the subject of this ode to a former band-member, chose to do.

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2002

I believe Chevrolet were very keen to use Born in the USA for their commercials as a song that embodies the American spirit. Presumably they were just going to use the chorus and not the "sent me off to a foreign land to go and kill the yellow man" bit. Or the "had a brother at Khe Sahn fighting off the Viet Cong.... they`re still there he`s all gone" part.

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2002

I'm not an expert on thses things, but my advice on how to pull birds would probably not include ingesting vast amounts of acid, covering my head in a mixture of gel and Mandrax tablets which subsequently melt under the stage lights, run off into the night and become a recluse, put on 12 stone, shave my head and never speak to anyone about my experiences

That'll be where you're going wrong Softie ...

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2002

I wonder if Ford have realised yet that their new Fiesta ad ("hey, get out more"...) features a tune with the lyric "buy the world a toke"?


-- Anonymous, April 25, 2002

If that bloke in the Ford advert had spent less money on Doritos in those other adverts then he would be able to afford to buy condoms....or are these different Fiesta's they're on about? Bring back Ali Landry, that's what I say, ai chihauau.

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2002

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