MSM for goats : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Gosh I am so sorry to post again, And believe me I am reading as many posts per day as brain space and time space allow. However, I am eager to begin a new prevention method involving the use of MSM and apple cider vinegar. How much of each do I use? Can I use the MSM for equine, or is there such a thing as MSM for caprine? My local feed store only has it for horses. Do I mix the vinegar and MSM? Like I say, please forgive me for posting so much. I only am trying to learn the best way to support these creatures I so adore. Jane

-- Jane (, April 28, 2002


Prevention for what? We do use Glucosomine, Chondroiton and MSM in a crumble from horse health for our older goats, it keeps them mobile. We used it years back, without the MSM (didn't know about it) for our does with CAE? Vinegar goes in the water, if you choose to use it, honestly the only good vinegar does is to keep the water tanks from going green, though it will make them cloudy. MSM is a crumble, or powder that you would sprinkle on their grain. There isn't anything labeled for caprine, we use bovine stuff mostly and some equine stuff. sells the crumble we use. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, April 28, 2002.

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