fish, deer and ole calvin. : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

The neighbor of mine came to the house this evening. He was carry'n two HUGE re-sealable plastic bags and they were both absolutely full of fresh river fish. Fillet'd, scales removed and already to score--those big fillets were bigger'n my big hands. Buffalo fish they are, and better'n catfish INHO. I'll get'm scored tomorrow and take'm to my mom. She loves fresh fish.

The river is still raisin and is already out of it's banks. Lil Dumplin and this old hillbilly own lakeside property when it floods! Backwaters get really close to our farm but not on it. Pesky deer are all outta the bottoms now because of the floodwaters. I have even more problems with those ornery things now! Ole Calvin and them must be on a first name basis. When they're in the yard of field together they just have a look see at each other and go on their way.

Ya'll have a nice evening--I'm headed for the "rack". old hoot. Matt.24:44

-- old hoot gibson (, May 02, 2002


Hoot what a refreshing post that was without your end of the world gloom thanks a lot Bob se,ks.

-- Bobco (, May 03, 2002.

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